On Gaza from the World Health Organization..

 Minority Training Program in Cancer Control Research

The Minority Training Program in Cancer Control Research (MTPCCR) is designed to encourage minority students to pursue doctoral programs that focus on cancer disparities research.

The 2023 MTPCCR Summer Institute is scheduled to take place from June 22-25, 2023. We are planning for a fully IN-PERSON Summer Institute but will make preparations for a virtual event if state and university regulations change due to the pandemic.

Applications to the 2023 MTPCCR 4-day Summer Institute are now available!

Information Packet

Application Form: https://forms.gle/56VtMwY52gS9VnW38

Recommendation Form: https://forms.gle/CWZN4ohwtf33QHbV8

Faculty Advisor Approval Form: https://forms.gle/c2x65YZ4j3WnaRiQ9

Contact mtpccr@ph.ucla.edu with questions.

Applications are due on Friday, March 10, 2023 by 5pm PST.


Southern California is one of the most ethnically diverse regions in the world, and this diversity is evidenced in the master’s level student populations training in health at Los Angeles Area academic institutions. However, as is true elsewhere, only a small proportion of minority students go on to pursue doctoral degrees, resulting in a national shortage of experienced minority investigators in cancer disparities research. The purpose of the Minority Training Program in Cancer Control Research (MTPCCR) is to increase ethnic diversity in the field of cancer disparities research by encouraging minority master’s students and master’s level health professionals in public health and social/behavioral sciences to pursue a doctoral degree and a career in research. The program has been designed to enhance students’:

  • understanding of the power of research to effect change

  • awareness of the strengths and limitations of research methods, theory and interventions in eliminating health disparities

  • interest in cancer disparities research, from surveillance to epidemiology, individual behavior change, health services, and policy research

  • research, networking, information seeking skills, motivation, and ability to successfully apply to a doctoral program.


The Minority Training Program in Cancer Control Research Program eligibility is based on the following criteria:

  • Minority* master’s student** or master’s level health professional in public health and social/behavioral sciences. ***

  • Good academic standing (minimum “B” average).

  • Strong verbal, writing, interpersonal, and organizational skills

* We define “minority” as those communities who experience an excess or unknown burden of cancer and who are underrepresented in the field of cancer disparities research.
** Students must have completed the first year of master’s program by the start of the Summer Institute. Current doctoral students or those already accepted into a doctoral program are ineligible to apply.
*** The MTPCCR was designed for students training in public health and/or the social and behavioral sciences. This does not include lab-based or STEM disciplines.


The MTPCCR consists of three components: a Summer Institute, Student Internships, and Doctoral Incentive Awards:

“Careers in Cancer Disparities Research” Summer Institute
A four-day Summer Institute designed to showcase the opportunities and need for minority researchers in cancer disparities. Through the institute, 20-25 students will acquire the motivation, skills, and resources needed to apply to a doctoral program. The Summer Institute has five main goals:

  • To showcase needs and opportunities for minority researchers in cancer disparities research.

  • To demonstrate the importance of cancer disparities research and the vast impact it has on minority and underserved communities.

  • To provider participants with an opportunity to interact and establish networks with accomplished researchers from similar backgrounds.

  • To showcase the diverse spectrum of cancer disparities research (i.e., access to care, behavioral research, advocacy, and epidemiology) so that participants can relate their own professional interests to the field.

  • To provide participants with the skills, resources, and support needed to apply to a doctoral program.

Attending faculty include role models and leaders in research from around the country.

Student Internships (Optional) Dependent on funding & placement

Students and graduates who participate in the Summer Institute can apply for paid internships. Qualified interns will be matched to a program and mentor according to their academic focus and personal interests.

Doctoral Application Support Awards (Optional) Dependent on funding

Summer Institute participants who wish to pursue a doctorate are eligible to apply for awards up to $2,000 to cover the cost of doctoral program applications, testing, and campus visits.